Friday, 8 November 2013
That's what I call a bundle!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Every edition available again!
Saturday, 9 June 2012
The Veiled Invocation... a brand new module!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Dwimmermount: We dit it!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Dungeon Crawl Classics Session Report: Twelve inside... two alive!
The whole session was a blast! We had a lot of laughs, funny deaths, some clever roleplaying and a bit of "noobish" behavior towards the end. Actually, some characters begun attacking each other as they thought that every hope was lost...
Let's see the "Book of the Dead" together:
Tamtakus speared to death by twenty clay soldiers in Room #8 as he fell from the gazing pool... Poor Tamtakus!
Nairam pushed to her death by Gloan... Hail to the evil dwarf!
Sephrat died during a fight between her and John towards the end of the adventure.
Myriam died in Room #3. She fell on the wall tried to avoid the fireballs of the barbarian statue, while having just 1 hit point... It was probably the funniest death of the session!
Joshua died bravely while fighting Ssisssuraaaaggg, the immortal demon-snake... His name will not be forgotten!
Antuan fell also by the poisonous bites of the immortal demon-snake...
Gloan the evil dwarf was speared to death by Sephrat... She got revenge for the death of her brother, Nairam.
Vosgoth was the first to enter the dungeon and the first to fall... He was impaled by the spear-throwing statues!
Toran was toasted by the barbarian statue's fireballs...
Simondel was another one brave adventurer fell to death by Ssisssuraaaaggg...
Graup and John were the only ones to come out alive...
All the animals were toasted by the barbarian statue as the whole group was trying to track the movement of the strange statue. The immortal demon-snake was pulled in the barbarian statue room and the fight took place right there... courage and foolishness together!
It was a great 4-hour session. "A Portal Under the Stars" is a very well made dungeon crawl with nice traps and interesting enemies. Give it a try with a horde of 0-level noobs or with a classic party of 1st level adventurers. It's highly recommended as we had fun and some nice role playing experiences!